Jamie Yoo

The Unseen Power of UX Research in Business: Turning Insights Into Savvy Strategies

User experience research is more than collecting data and conducting usability testing. It’s a powerful strategic tool that can drive innovation, sharpen your product-market fit, and give you a decisive competitive advantage. Of course, you know this....

Apr 30, 2024 2 Min Read Business of Experience
Kuldeep Kelkar

How to Present User Research Insights So Non-Research Stakeholders Will Listen

As a user researcher, you dedicate your work life to uncovering deep insights about your product’s users. But too often, all that data seemingly gets lost in the abyss. Rather than influencing strategy and decision-making, your findings...

Apr 16, 2024 1 Min Read UX Research
Vinay Draksharam

User-Centric Design: The Power and Competitive Edge for Cybersecurity Digital Products

Technology, with its rapid advancements and widespread sources, can be quickly caught up to and replicated. But creating a truly exceptional user experience is different. User-centric product design takes time, expertise, and dedication. And the companies that...

Mar 13, 2024 2 Min Read UX Design Strategy
Vinay Draksharam

Balancing UI and UX: A Guide to Budgeting & Planning for a Successful User-Centered Design Project

Should we update our product look and feel? Does it need to be more modern and sexy? More “WOW”? And if so, can we do it in two months or less? We often hear these kinds of...

May 10, 2023 1 Min Read UX Design Strategy