Kalyan Gummadi

Associate Director of Consulting Operations

Kalyan joined UXReactor as an interaction designer in 2015. After User Experience Design Intensive Training, he transitioned to a role as UX Designer. Kalyan then completed his MBA in Consultancy Management and took on a role as Senior Engagement Lead & Senior Experience Design Architect. He has since advanced to a management role with UXReactor.

Kalyan’s responsibilities include overseeing Design Operations. He is responsible for building the organization’s talent pipeline, improving processes, and managing career growth for teammates. Kalyan also serves as a consultant on client projects.

Trained initially in technology (Electronics & Communications Engineering), Kalyan made the switch to human-centered design, inspired by Steve Jobs. He realized that every market-transforming product is designed by first profoundly understanding users and their problems.

Kalyan is motivated by the scope in UX to push the boundaries of the status quo. Once an aspiring astronaut, he is inspired by radical innovations, like SpaceX and Tesla.