Lalatendu Satpathy

Future Proofing Your Business With User Experience Transformation

Imagine five years down the road, when your company is so successful and your customers can't stop talking about you. Learn what tools product leaders need to future proof their products.

Dec 13, 2022 15 Min Read UX Research
Satyam Kantamneni

How Lemonade Found A Sweet Spot With AI and Disrupted An Industry

Just four years after launching, Lemonade reached one million customers in 2020. Their success poses a looming threat to insurance giants like Allstate and StateFarm. Read how Lemonade is disrupting a massive industry.

Dec 5, 2022 7 Min Read Business of Experience
Satyam Kantamneni

Figma Vs Invision: 3 Lessons For Start-Up Founders Following Adobe’s Big Acquisition

If you’re a founder and looking to get acquired in the next few years, I’m going to share three valuable mindset lessons I’ve learned over the past two decades of working with over 50 start-ups and scale-ups....

Nov 21, 2022 11 Min Read Business of Experience
Jamie Yoo

User Research is Empathy — the Key To Success In Your Digital Transformation

With the global rush to undergo digital transformation over the past few years, it’s become increasingly difficult to deliver industry-leading products without user research. When functionality and performance are table-stakes, what is the key differentiating factor between...

Nov 7, 2022 15 Min Read UX Research
Satyam Kantamneni

Customer Churn In A Downturn Will Be Inevitable For Some… But Not For You

Planning to out-accelerate your competition and decrease customer churn? Here’s how to develop your competitive edge and come out of the recession as a winner.

Oct 17, 2022 11 Min Read Business of Experience
Satyam Kantamneni

Recession Proof Your B2B Products

Even in tough economies, there are unique opportunities for serious leaders.

Sep 15, 2022 14 Min Read Business of Experience
Elinor Chang

Product Innovation: How To Spot And Overcome What Isn’t Working With Your Product

Here’s the good news: You have a great product with all the bells and whistles. In fact, your feature set is almost identical to–and in some ways, better than– your biggest competitor who just raised another big...

Jul 11, 2022 24 Min Read UX Design Strategy
Sarah Khalid

How To Avoid Design Failure – Even For Complex, Messy, Enterprise Products

If you have been ignoring your product design problems, it will ultimately lead to designs that drive low or even negative value for the user; in other words, design failure.

May 4, 2022 16 Min Read Business of Experience
Vinay Draksharam

Should We Redesign Our Product? Here’s How To Figure Out If You Need UI vs UX

Should we update our product look and feel? Does it need to be more modern and sexy? More “WOW”? And if so, can we do it in two months or less?

Mar 31, 2022 14 Min Read UX Design Strategy
Satyam Kantamneni

The *Real* Secret of Tesla’s Success: Creating an All-New Experience for Car Buyers

If ever an experience warranted a redesign, it would be buying a car. In the traditional scenario, tense, drawn-out negotiations with salespeople working on commission and against quotas leave consumers cold.

Dec 2, 2021 8 Min Read Business of Experience