Satyam Kantamneni

Customer Churn In A Downturn Will Be Inevitable For Some… But Not For You

Planning to out-accelerate your competition and decrease customer churn? Here’s how to develop your competitive edge and come out of the recession as a winner.

Oct 17, 2022 11 Min Read Business of Experience
Satyam Kantamneni

Recession Proof Your B2B Products

Even in tough economies, there are unique opportunities for serious leaders.

Sep 15, 2022 14 Min Read Business of Experience
Sarah Khalid

How To Avoid Design Failure – Even For Complex, Messy, Enterprise Products

If you have been ignoring your product design problems, it will ultimately lead to designs that drive low or even negative value for the user; in other words, design failure.

May 4, 2022 16 Min Read Business of Experience
Satyam Kantamneni

The *Real* Secret of Tesla’s Success: Creating an All-New Experience for Car Buyers

If ever an experience warranted a redesign, it would be buying a car. In the traditional scenario, tense, drawn-out negotiations with salespeople working on commission and against quotas leave consumers cold.

Dec 2, 2021 8 Min Read Business of Experience
Satyam Kantamneni

Modern Experience Design: How Disney Pioneered the Practice

Note: This is an excerpt from the new book User Experience Design: A Practical Playbook to Fuel Business Growth, available now. There’s a reason Walt Disney is often heralded as the world’s first experience designer. According to...

Nov 15, 2021 11 Min Read Business of Experience
Elinor Chang

Unexpected Parallels Between Fashion Design and User eXperience Design

At the end of the day, the intent of any product is to help the user with their task or goal, so it is critical to invest the time to develop empathy for the user. Empathizing with...

Oct 8, 2021 10 Min Read Business of Experience
Satyam Kantamneni

Design Is [Business] – The Merging Reality of Design and Business

In this talk, Satyam shares many of his personally hard-won insights about the relationship of business and design. He will introduce key concepts such as “design premium”, “business risk”, and “impact ratios” that push the conversation further...

Jul 12, 2018 1 Min Read UX Design Strategy